Real estate magnet


Real estate is a fiercely competitive industry. Dozens of realtors crop up when the economy is good and real estate prices are high. It is hard to stand out of the crowd when you do the same thing that other realtors do: Sell houses. One Florida realtor named Marie used a tactic successfully that helped her leave her competition lagging way behind.

Marie wrote an 80-page book that described the various neighbourhoods in her Florida market. She added some real estate sales data that showed how hot real estate was. And she gave an enticing name to the book: “The Secrets of South Beach Real Estate.” She repackaged the data available in any realtor’s office and made it into a book. She used this book as a lead generation tool. Marie tried to position herself as the local real estate guru.

This alone would have gotten Marie new business. But she went one step ahead and used one more tactic that got loads of business her way. Marie started selling the book in tourist places. She started targeting out of town tourists. She placed her books in unusual places like behind the counters in restaurants.

Marie realized that many tourists would be curious about buying a house in Miami after they have experienced the wonderful atmosphere. So she placed the books in places where people make buying decisions on impulse. The tourists would read her book and get interested in buying a house. Either as a vacation place. Or a retirement place. And they would call up Marie for more information. Thus Marie ended up selling expensive condos and houses at high prices to a target audience no one else went after.

Action summary:

°    Writing a book or a report is a great way to improve your credibility. You can position yourself as the expert by writing an informational product. And the informational product will work as a magnet for you attracting clients while you sleep!

°    Focus on a target audience that no one else goes after. Marie didn’t only sell tons of her book, she also sold dozens of houses because she went after the tourists instead of the locals.